SAAB 900 – Static Fleet, Long Term Temporary….
SAAB 900, 900i SE

SAAB 900 – Static Fleet, Long Term Temporary….

Slow Fleet – SAAB 900 Sept – October 2016 Update


Latest Costs: £25
Miles since last update: 0

After the gear lever parting company with the car the SAAB 900 has been taking a bit of a breather, being parked awaiting new parts. Other vehicles have had things one and this one was looking wanting.

So after some searching another, apparently late model type gear lever was sourced for a reasonable £25 from eBay. It arrived fairly quickly and was of course an earlier type. If I’d have known all I was going to get was an early one I wouldn’t have looked for so long and bought one ages ago. But still, at least I had one…


Fitting was fairly straightforward, after some mixing and matching of parts and fiddling around in the hole to get the reverse selector pull to work, I had a full complement of gears.

DSCF8007 DSCF8008


I thought why not see if I can get the car running and plan for an MOT.  Sitting in the drivers seat I pressed the clutch down and thought that it felt a bit odd. Another push confirmed this as it felt just like it does when you are bleeding brakes. I quickly sourced an assistant and stood outside whilst the clutch pedal was pushed in again and lo and behold, clutch fluid pouring out of the slave cylinder…


This is supposed to be in the car...
This is supposed to be in the car…

Oh well, back to being parked for a bit and another hunt on the internet for parts….

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