SAAB 900, First Drive

Slow Fleet – SAAB 900 March – May Update


Latest Costs: £379.94
Miles since purchase: 205

Since acquring the bargain 900 I’ve managed to spend more on it than the purchase price, before even using it.


The first thing to be done was to sort out that snapped exhaust, so after a few hours of hacking away underneath the old exhaust finally parted company with the car.

Luckinly I decided to purchase a complete exhaust and fittings from the cat back, as trying to separate rusted together mild steel exhausts wasn’t happening and to cut them just enough would have meant trying to weld them back up. This was a much better idea,


DSCF1578  DSCF1577

Another thing to do was sort the front indicator out, which had seen better days. So an eBay search turned up a cheap auction indicator with expensive postage, but for about £10 delivered I couldn’t complain as it improved the look no end.

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So, I had a legal working car with a really rubbish set of tyres fitted, the only good one was called Runway and looked decidedly iffy. There is one thing Jalopy doesn’t skimp on, it’s tyres. So an Event tyres visit and a set of Toyo Proxes in the standard 185/65/15 fitment for £246.


And a general servicing, Oil, filter and new spark plugs saw it running much smoother, the plug gaps could be measure in centimeters…

Once happy that none of the tyres would disintegrate, I took it for a longer run than just round the block, so it was driven to Lincoln for the day and behaved fine.  Nothing to worry about then…


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