Extensive Assets Associated With Bristol Cars Ltd & Bristol Cars Services Ltd Are To Go On Sale
The extensive assets associated with Bristol Cars Ltd & Bristol Cars Services Ltd are to go on sale.
Business assets specialist Wyles Hardy & Co have been appointed to handle the sale of everything that was part of brist Cars at the time of being wound up.
These include everything to do with Project Pinnacle, the 2016 Bristol Bullet. This includes the first assembled car, yet to be homoligated, eight Morgan Aero 8 rolling chassis with BMW V8 engine, gearbox & running gear (all with keys).
Many assembly jigs and body panels, wheels, lights and digital drawings for the project.
Also importantly there is quite a stock of parts for all Bristol Models produced. This consists of engines & gearboxes, steering and suspension. Body panels, electrical and chassis parts, wheels and interior trim.
But, what may be most important of the extensive assets is the complete library of design drawings from the production history of Bristol Cars.
We hope to have the final details of this important sale, Jalopy hopes the collection goes to a good home.
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